Increasing Online Leads During The Coronavirus

Hello Partner!
I’m sure you have gotten hundreds of emails this week from companies you didn’t even know had your email. I know we have. 

Well, this is a good email!
Yes, It’s been an interesting few weeks.
We wanted to provide a silver lining for our partner’s marketing online and recommendations through this time. As you know, we are in the business of data, so we wanted to share some of that with you to brighten your day.

Good News:
Online search is booming!
Search volume for services, products and more are ramping up at fast rates.
This is great news for anyone participating in online marketing.
(Note: Amazon is on a hiring surge just to keep up.) 

Clinical Trials Already Released!
4+ countries have already developed vaccines and are testing.
First USA human trials have already started. It is only a matter of time! 

Now is the time to Grow Online!
Whether you are in SaaS, plumbing, elective surgery, a brick-and-mortar based company selling products and more, here are great tips on how to grow your business rapidly during this online surge! 

Are You Selling Products?
Since online shopping is booming.
To help you take advantage of this, we are offering a no-contract/ month-to-month outbound advertising boost.

Are You Selling Service?
We’ve seen great results with collecting leads on forms to scheduling digital consultations, video chat quotes, and loyalty programs. Now more than ever, people are at home online, searching for services like yours; use this time to collect leads! It is important to let your customers know you are still open (yes, even if only digitally,) and you are here to serve, even if that means scheduling out appointments or adding them to a waiting list. 

Need More Ideas?
We are here for you! Please ask your Account Manager for ideas on how you can grow your business further online during this time. Let us know! We are your marketing strategist partners and we’re here to help. 

Thinking about reducing your marketing during this time? Read this first:
Another great resource is here:

How is the Sympler Team Doing?

  1. We are doing great! Thank you for asking. Below are a few updates you will enjoy,
  2. We’ve been using a software called Hubstaff for 3 years now. It is a remote monitoring software our team uses to log in, track client hours, and hit goals. It even tracks mouse movement, keyboard clicks, and captures screenshots randomly. Big Brother-ish? Yes, Effective? Absolutely. 
  3. Out of respect for the high-risk and at the direction of our Government, our team is exercising a full-remote work process. You may not know this, but we’ve been doing this weekly for the last 3 years for part of the week as an employee perk, so it is nothing new to us. All services continue to run at full speed! 
  4. Lastly, since we are nerds that work in “internet land”, most of us are already introverts, so social distancing is just called “normal life.” 
  5. We have and will continue to use ZOOM video conferencing! Did you know they grew 10x since this situation? Should have bought stock in that. 

Be Faithful and Kind
As cheesy as it may sound, we are Americans; we are resilient, strong, and we will pull through. In the midst of some fear for those who have a higher health risk, I encourage you to look for opportunities to help the less fortunate, serve those in need, and use this situation to bring us all closer together, which we can all agree is long overdue. We are proud to be your partners, and through donations are serving the needs of the less fortunate as well. We invite you to join us in whatever capacity that looks like for you. 

When this passes,
Let everyone remember you for your kindness and persistence.
Let everyone know you as the person who served others who couldn’t serve themselves in hard times. 

We’ve got your back. We are in this together, and only an email or phone call away.
– Tyler Horsley, CEO 

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